
Body Ache

Body Ache overview and Definition

        Also known as myalgia with sharp pain, deep steady pain. The myalgia is caused by the injuries, infection other health diseases.


Possible causes of body aches include:

Localized pain:

Localized pain refers to the pain that is concerned to the focal area or centered area that is significant to one muscle or group of muscle.

Muscle strains:

 this is more common among the athelets and sport persons orelse in an individual who push the hand backwards suddenly. It often causes sharp, tearing pain resulting accompanied by swelling or bruising.

Muscle Cramp or Spasms

A muscle cramps occurs when a muscle is not under your control. The best example of this type of spasms includes charley horse in which the calf muscle gets squeezed and causes severe pain but if the cramp gets reduced it might results in relief of the symptoms.

It's unclear what exactly causes muscles to cramp, but experts suspect a multitude of triggers, such as:

  • Improper stretching
  • Muscle fatigue
  • Exercising in extreme heat
  • Dehydration
  • Depletion of salt and electrolytes

Muscle cramps may also occur with various underlying diseases, including cirrhosis and peripheral heart diseases.

 Muscle Contusion

A muscle contusion may occur as a result of direct blow to the muscle. This includes falling from high level or getting injured during sports. This direct blow crushes the muscle fibers and connective tissue surrounding them. Sometimes it might result in discolouration of the skin surface and swollen of muscle fibers might occurs. The person might suffer from stiffness and difficulty of the movements in the affected area and also resulting in haematoma formation.


Myofascial Pain Syndrome :

  It occurs as a result of dysfunction or damage to the trigger points in the muscles. The trigger points are sensitized as tiny knots around the muscle and this knots are nothing but the thickest bands present in the muscle area. These trigger points may feel tender to touch and the tenderness also radiates to the other areas.

A common location for trigger points is in your upper trapezius muscle (situated at the back of your neck above each shoulder).  These trapezius trigger points might causes deep pain in those areas and also results in severe pain.

 Compartment Syndrome

It is an uncommon condition that develops a pressure develops within the group of muscle. There are two types of compartment syndrome:

Acute compartment syndrome:muscle pain develops at instant which is  extreme, constant, and often described as a deep ache or burn. Neurological symptoms such as numbness and tingling occurs in this situation.

Chronic compartment syndrome: these  type of muscle pain occurs gradually after the exercises. The classic case is an athelete who tends to feel sqeezing and cramoing type of pain the lower back region of the leg. The pain might subside within 30 minutes after the exposure.


Pyomyositis is a rare, pus-containing infection of muscle (usually from staphylococcus aureus) that causes cramping muscle pain within a single muscle group, most commonly the thigh, calf, or buttock muscles.

As an infection prolongs a fever often develops, and the muscle becomes exquisitely tender and swollen. At this time, an abscess (a collection of pus) may be visible within the muscle.

If not treated, the infection can spread to other organs, like the heart, lungs, and brain.



 Pain, muscle stiffness ,fatigue are all the symptoms of myalgia.

Infections and Viruses:

The flu, and other bacteria and other viruses can cause myalgia.

 When infection occurs , the white blood cell count tends to fight rapidly

This results in inflammation and causes body aches.


Withdraw symptoms of alcohol and certain drugs, including cocaine and opiates results in myalgia.

Fluid retention:

Fluid retention results in inflammation of the joints and muscle aches.

Conditions that can lead to fluid retention include:

  • thyroid problems, especially an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism)
  • congestive heart failure 
  • cirrhosis of the liver
  • severe malnutrition
  • chronic kidney disease and nephrotic syndrome
  • venous insufficiency
  • problems with lymphatic drainage


 Hypokalemia is known as decrease in potassium levels.

Low potassium levels results in malfunctioning of the nervous system and resulting in muscle aches,weakness,fatigue and muscle cramps.


Stress can cause tension in the body and results in muscle stiffness. This results in inflammation also.


Staying hydrated is an essential to keep the body’s fluid level. The dehydrated persons feel lethargic in doing the works.

Lack of sleep:

Share on PinteresOver time, not getting enough sleep can lead to exhaustion. This may make the body feel achy, sluggish, and heavy. The lack of sleep results in non rejuvenation capacity of the cells and aids in muscle aches and pains.


Pneumonia results in loss of oxygen to the red blood cells. This results in loss of nutritive function to the body and results in body aches and pain.

Chronic fatigue syndrome:

In a similar way to a person who does not get enough sleep, someone with chronic fatigue syndrome may experience trusted source muscular aches in addition to insomnia, exhaustion, and weakness.


Arthritis is caused to the inflammation of the joints.The body’s own immune system tends to  attacks the own healthy cells. It also results in dysfunction of the cells that lining the joints and causing inflammation resulting in body aches.

Autoimmune disorders:

Various autoimmune disorders can cause body aches. These include Lupus, Myositis and multiple sclerosis.

In multiple sclerosis the CNS cells are damaged resulting in injury to the nerve cells resulting in inflammation and dysregulation of the cells resulying in muscle aches.

Sternous exercises:

Exercises can result in muscle ache . this is called delayed onset muscle soreness. The lengthening of the contracting muscle occurs resulting in loss of plasma membrane leading to the muscle aches.

Clinical signs & symptoms


muscle stiffness


muscle cramps


feeling of weigtedness in the hands 

soreness andd inflmmmations

Differential Diagnosis

  • Blood tests. They can show if your body has an infection or another condition not related to cancer that can cause muscle aches.
  • Computed tomography (CT or CAT) scan. Makes a 3-dimensional image of the inside of the body.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Uses magnetic fields to create detailed images of the body.

Bone scan. Sometimes it is hard to distinguish between bone pain and muscle pain. If the doctor suspects bone-related issues, a bone scan may be done


the prognosis is good when the triggering factor gets subsided.


avoid sternous exercises

Practising exercises

Doing stretching execises before starting vigorous exercises

Warm up during exercise

Avoid lifting heavy objects

Always be hydrated

Have healthy food diet





