


It is an important medicinal plant that is used in the treatment of various ailments. The botanical name for Bibhitaki is Terminalia bellirica which belongs to the Combretaceae family. It is also called Baheda that means keeping away from disease. 

What are the other names of BIBHITAKI in various languages

English – Belleric myrobalan

Tamil – Thanrikkai

Hindi – Bhairah

Sanskrit – Vebeethaki, Aksha

Hindi – Baheda

Telugu – Tanikaya

Bengali – Baida

Marathi – Behda

Gujarati – Baheda

Punjabi – Baheda

Arabic – Balelaj

Farsi – Ballel

Kannada – Shanti kayi

Malayalam – Thaanni

Manipuri – Bahera

Oriya – Bahada

Konkani – Goting

Urdu – Bahera

Assamese – Bauri

Nepali – Barro


Bibhitaki originated from India and is widely distributed throughout the world. It is also found in Southeast Asia. In India, it is found in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, and Maharashtra.

It is a large deciduous tree that grows up to 30 meters. The leaves are long, alternate, and oval and it is 7-14cm in breadth and 10-12cm in length. The flower appears in May. Here the upper part is male and the lower part is female. The fruits are grey in color and ovoid in shape

Part used: Leaves, Seeds, Fruit

Taste: Astringent

Potency: Hot


On chemical compound analysis of Bibhitaki, it includes

Tannins, ellagic acid, ethyl gallate, galloyl glucose, chebulagic acid, phyllembin, β-sitosterol, mannitol, glucose, fructose, and rhamnose

Fruits contain several triterpenoids, including belleric acid, β-sitosterol, and the saponin glycosides bellericoside and bellericanin.

Other constituents include polyphenols (gallic acid, ellagic acid, phyllembin, ethyl gallate, and chebulagic acid), lignans (termilignan, thannilignan, hydroxy-3′,4′-[methylenedioxy] flavan, anolignan B), and fixed yellow oil.

 The fruit contains all the components of Terminalia chebula, except corilagin and chebulic acid.

 Fleshy fruit pulp contains 21.4 % tannin


  • Astringent
  • Expectorant
  • Laxative
  • Tonic
  • Antioxidant
  • Antimicrobial
  • Antidiarrheal
  • Anticancer
  • Anti-hypertensive
  • Hepatoprotective
  • Antipyretic


  • In India, the fruit is used to treat digestive and respiratory diseases. The ripe fruit is used to cure diarrhea and indigestion whereas unripe fruit act as a laxative to treat chronic constipation
  • It is also used to treat upper respiratory tract infections like sore throats, hoarseness, and coughs
  • The Lodha people of the Indian subcontinent eat kernels for their mind-altering effect
  • The pulp is used to treat dropsy, piles, and diarrhea
  • The decoction obtained from the green fruit helps to control cough
  • Half ripen fruit is acts as a purgative
  • In Khagrachari, fruit is used to treat menstrual disorder
  • The oil obtained from the seed used to treat rheumatism
  • The gum obtained from the bark act as a demulcent and purgative
  • The powder obtained from the baheda mixed with honey to treat cold and cough
  • The paste prepared from the fruit is applied to eyelids to treat conjunctivitis
  • Gallotannins present in this herb is used to treat Parkinson, Alzeheimer, and neurodegenerative diseases
  • It helps to treat loss of appetite, thirst, bloating, flatulence, piles, and worm infestation


The dose of the drug used according to the physician

Powder: 3 - 6gm


  • The use of Bibhitaki may lower blood sugar. So, monitoring of blood sugar levels is required in patients who are taking the anti-diabetic drug
  • Therapy should be administered with caution because the use of this herb may cause hyperacidity or gastritis due to its hot potency
  • Without consulting with a doctor do not use this herb because it may cause diarrhea or dysentery


It is considered unsafe to use this herb while you are pregnant and breastfeeding


Cough and cold:

According to Ayurveda, cough and cold occur due to the imbalance of Kapha. The use of baheda helps to control cough by releasing the mucus and clearing the respiratory tract. This helps to breathe easily.

Take the required amount of Baheda powder as per the dose and duration advised by the doctor and mix it with honey. Consume this after your meals. Use this remedy to get relief from cough and cold


Constipation occurs due to consumption of junk food, stress, depression, excessive coffee intake, late night sleeping. It is caused due to the worsening of Vata and pitta dosha. The use of Baheda helps to treat constipation by its soothing and lubricating effect and it easily expels the waste products from the large intestine.

Take the required amount of baheda powder and consume it with warm water before going to bed. Use this remedy to treat constipation

Weight loss:

Obesity occurs due to lifestyle modifications which lead to poor digestive fire and this increases the accumulation of toxins in the body and causes an imbalance in the Meda dhatu which results in obesity. The use of Baheda helps to reduce the body weight by its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties and it also helps to improve the metabolism and remove the extra fluid or toxins from the body

Take the required amount of Baheda powder as per the dose and duration advised by the doctor and mix it with honey. Consume this after your meals.

Loss of appetite

The use of Baheda increases the Pachak Agni and helps to digest the food easily. It also treats constipation by its laxative effect

Take the required amount of Baheda powder as per the dose and duration advised by the doctor and mix it with honey. Consume this after your meals. Use this remedy to reduce digestive problems

Weak immunity:

Due to its Rasayana effect, the use of baheda helps to fight against the infection and prevent the reoccurrence of infection

Take the required amount of Baheda powder as per the dose and duration advised by the doctor and mix it with honey. Consume this after your meals. Use this daily to boost your immunity


Due to its antibacterial, astringent, and rejuvenating effect, the use of baheda helps  to control acne scars

Take the required amount of baheda fruit powder and mix it with rose water. Apply this paste on an affected area for 2-3 hours and then wash it with water. Use this remedy to remove the acne scars

Hair loss and dandruff:

The baheda has a hair growth enhancer effect which helps to boost the growth of hair and make it thick and healthy.

Take the required amount of baheda fruit powder and mix it with rose water. Apply this paste on an affected area for 2-3 hours and then wash it with water. Use this remedy to reduce hair fall and dandruff


  • The fruits produce a hepatoprotective effect in CCl4- induced liver injury in mice.
  • Alcoholic extract of the fruit exerted a negative chronoandinotropic and hypotensive effect of varying magnitude in a dose-dependent fashion on isolated rat and frog atria and rabbit heart.
  • The flower showed spermicidal activity.


Baheda pulp:

Take the required amount of baheda pulp and consume it with water or honey after your lunch and dinner

Baheda churna:

Take the required amount of Baheda powder as per the dose and duration advised by the doctor and mix it with honey. Consume this after your meals. Use this remedy to get relief from cough and cold

External use:

Baheda powder:

Take the required amount of baheda fruit powder and mix it with rose water. Apply this paste on an affected area for 2-3 hours and then wash it with water. Use this remedy to remove the acne scars


  • Dry skin
  • Diarrhea


What is Bibhitaki good for?

Bibhitaki contains many antioxidants, such as ellagic acid, tannins, lignans, and flavones. The compounds may help to improve blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity, as well as provide anti-inflammatory effects.

Does Baheda help to manage ulcers?

Yes, Baheda might help manage ulcers due to its antiulcer activity. It contains certain constituents which reduce gastric acid and prevent damage caused by excessive acid, thereby managing the pain and discomfort related to ulcers.

Can Baheda be used for hair growth?

Although enough scientific evidence is not available, Baheda may be useful in promoting hair growth as well as preventing hair loss.