


It is an important medicinal plant that is used in the treatment of various ailments. The botanical name for Nagarmotha is Cyperus rotundus which belongs to the Cyperaceae family. It is also called nutgrass used in the treatment of diarrhea, dyspepsia, and herpes

What are the other names of NAGARMOTHA in various languages

Hindi – Motha, nagarmotha

English – Nutgrass, purple nutsedge. java grass

Kannada – Tunge gadde

Telugu – Tunga mustalu

Tamiol – Muthakach, korai kilangu

Arabic – So ad kufi

Farsi – Mushke Jami

Malayalam – Muthanga


Nargarmotha is considered a cosmopolitan weed that is found in tropical, subtropical, and temperate regions of the world. In India, it is widely distributed about 1800m.

It is a perennial slender herb, It is called the world’s worst weed which grows vast in Pacific island and coastal regions. Usually, the plant grows in sandy and loamy soil. It prefers acid, neutral and alkaline soils. Flowers are umbel, spikes of 3-8 spixelets, and the seeds are in the form of nuts, flowers, and fruits.

Part used: Tuber

Taste: Bitter, Pungent, Astringent

Potency: Cold


On chemical compound analysis of the Nagarmotha, it includes

Cinoel copadiene, Copaene, cyperol, cyperolone, A-cyperone, epoxyguaiene, isocyperol, isokobusone, kodusone, mustakone, patchilene, rotundone, A-B selinene, Sugenol, b-sitosterol.

Essential oil: Sesquiterpene hydrocarbon, ep[oxides, ketones, monoterpenes, and aliphatic alcohols

Sesquiterpenes contain selinene, isocurcumenol, nootkatone, aristolone, isorotundene, cypera-2,4(15)-diene, and norrotundene.


Antioxidant – Prevent the cells from free radical damage

Anthelmintic – kills parasitic worms

Antifungal – kills the fungal organism

Alternative – restore healthy body

Anti-rheumatic – effective against rheumatism

Antispasmodic – relieves spasm

Anti-hyperglycemic – reduce the blood sugar level

Aphrodisiac – increase the sexual desire

Astringent – constrict the soft tissue

Carminative – prevent the formation of gas

Diaphoretic – stimulate perspiration

Diuretic – increase the excretion of urine

Emmenagogue – increase the blood flow in pelvic and uterus

Hepatoprotective – prevent the liver from damage

Stimulant – increase the nervous activity in the body

Stomachic – improves digestion

Hypotensive – reduce the blood pressure


To treat diarrhea the decoction produced from the roots is mixed with honey                                                                 

To treat diarrhea with mucus and pain the roots of this herb are boiled in milk

Nagarmotha powder is used in the treatment of indigestion

The oil extracted from the roots of this herb used in the treatment of stomach problems and diabetes 


The dose of the drug used according to the physician

Power: 3-6g

Decoction: 50-100ml in divided dose


Kindly avoid this herb if you have constipation because the use of this plant may worsen your conditions

Consumption of high doses may cause an imbalance in Vata doshas

It is safe to use this herb during breastfeeding, nagarmotha increase lactation by producing prolactin hormone

If you have allergic skin kindly use nagarmotha oil or powder with coconut oil or rose water to avoid rashes


Do not use this herb if you are allergic to the constituents of the Nagarmotha

Kindly avoid using this herb during pregnancy  


Abdominal pain:

Abdominal pain occurs due to the formation of gas.   According to Ayurveda, flatulence occurs due to the imbalance of Vata and Pitta dosha which results in impaired digestion. The  use of Nagarmotha helps to treat impaired digestion by its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties

Take the required amount of nagarmotha powder as per the dose and duration prescribed by the doctor and consume it with lukewarm water after your meals to control abdominal pain                    


According to Ayurveda, indigestion occurs due to incomplete digestion. This is due to an imbalance of Kapha that causes weak digestive fire (Agnimandya). The use of nagarmotha helps to improve digestion by its Deepan and Pachan properties

Take the required amount of nagarmotha powder as per the dose and duration prescribed by the doctor and consume it with lukewarm water after your meals to treat indigestion


Traditional view: According to Ayurveda, Diarrhea is called Atisar. Usually, diarrhea occurs due to mental stress, improper food, water, environmental toxins. Diarrhea occurs due to the imbalance of Vata. This brings the fluid into the intestines and mixes it with stool which leads to diarrhea. Nagarmotha control diarrhea by its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive ) activity which makes the stool to thick and also reduces the episodes of motion by its astringent properties

Take the required amount of nagarmotha powder as per the dose and duration prescribed by the doctor and consume it with lukewarm water after your meals to control diarrhea                    


According to Ayurveda, obesity occurs due to the accumulation of fat and toxins in the body. The use of nagarmotha helps to reduce the accumulation of fat and toxins in the body and improves digestion.

Take the required amount of nagarmotha powder as per the dose and duration prescribed by the doctor and consume it with lukewarm water after your meals to control excess fat in the body


According to Ayurveda, nagarmotha has Krimighna (anti-worm) property which produces its action by inhibiting the growth of worms in the intestine

Take the required amount of nagarmotha powder as per the dose and duration prescribed by the doctor and consume it with lukewarm water after your meals to control worms infection. Use this remedy until you get relief from infection


According to Ayurveda, fever occurs depending upon the dosha involved. Usually, fever occurs due to the accumulation of toxins due to the weak digestive fire. The use of Nagarmotha boiled water helps to reduce the fever by removing the excess toxin from the body and by its Deepan and Pachan effect.

Take the required amount of nagarmotha powder as per the dose and duration advised by the powder and boil it until the water reduces into half and consume it to control fever


Traditional view: According to Ayurveda, the use of nagarmotha reduce the blood sugar level by its Tikta (bitter) effect and it also improves the metabolism by reducing the accumulation of toxins that occurs due to improper digestion by its Deepan and Pachan properties.

Modern view: Due to its antioxidant properties it helps to reduce the blood sugar level and control diabetes

Stomach disorders:

Due to its antispasmodic and carminative activity ut helps to control the stomach disorders

Urinary disorders:

Traditional view: According to Ayurveda, the use of nagarmotha helps to reduce the symptoms of urinary disorders like burning sensation or infection by its Mutral (diuretic) property and it also helps to increase the production of urine

Take the required amount of nagarmotha powder as per the dose and duration prescribed by the doctor and consume it with honey after your meals to control blood sugar levels.

Modern view: Nagarmotha contain chemical constituents which have antibacterial property helps to treat the symptoms of urinary disorders

Skin diseases:

The use of nagarmotha helps to treat skin diseases like eczema by applying it to the affected area to reduce the inflammation and bleeding by its Sita (cold) And Kashaya (astringent) activity.

Take the required amount of nagarmotha powder as per the dose and duration advised by the doctor and add coconut oil into it and apply this on the skin and wash it with tap water. Use this remedy daily to get relief from skin diseases

Hair loss associated with dandruff:

According to Ayurveda, dandruff occurs due to an imbalance of Pitta and Kapha dosha. The use of nagarmotha helps to balance the Pitta and Kapha and controls dandruff this leads to the prevention of hair loss

Take the required amount of nagarmotha powder as per the dose and duration advised by the doctor and add coconut oil into it and apply this on the scalp and wash it with a mild shampoo. Use this remedy daily to get relief from skin diseases

Stress and Anxiety:

The use of nagarmotha when applied externally it helps to balance the Vata in the body

Take the required amount of nagarmotha oil as per the dose and duration advised by the doctor and add olive or almond oil into it and apply this on the skin and wash it with tap water. Use this remedy daily to get relief from stress and anxiety.


The Nagarmotha comes in various formulations includes

Nagarmotha churna:

Take the required amount of nagarmotha powder as per the dose and duration prescribed by the doctor and consume it with lukewarm water after your meals to control abdominal pain    

Nagarmotha capsule:

Take the required amount of nagarmotha powder as per the dose and duration prescribed by the doctor and consume it with water after your meals

Nagarmotha oil:

Take the required amount of nagarmotha oil as per the dose and duration prescribed by the doctor and take it along with coconut oil

Nagarmotha powder:

Take the required amount of nagarmotha powder as per the dose and duration advised by the doctor and add coconut oil into it and apply this on the skin and wash it with tap water. Use this remedy daily to get relief from skin diseases


Is Nagarmotha powder available in the market?

Yes, it is available in the market and it can be brought from online websites or ayurvedic medical stores.

How to store Nagarmotha oil?

It should be stored in an airtight container and keep the medicines away from the heat and light and Do not keep the medicines reaching out to children

Can Nagarmotha cause bloating?

No, the use of nagarmotha does not cause bloating it helps to improve digestion by its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties.

Does Nagarmotha help to improve lactation?

Yes, the use of nagarmotha helps to increase lactation by increasing eh production of prolactin hormone