


It is an important medicinal plant that is used in the treatment of various ailments. The botanical name for Shilajit is Asphaltum punjabiunum. It contains 84 minerals including zinc, iron, copper, silver, and lead. It also contains fulvic acid, humus, and organic plant materials. The use of this herb is used to improve male fertility. 

What are the other names of SHILAJIT in various languages

English – Mineral pitch

Local name: Shargai, dorobi

Farsi – Mumlai

Russian – Mumiyo

Persian – Mumiya

Malayalam – Kanmada

Tamil – Perangyum

Hindi – Ral-yahudi

Marathi – Silajita

Bengali – Silajatu


Shilajit is commonly found in the Himalayas from East, Arunachal Pradesh to West Kashmir in India. It is also found in Afghanistan, Tsao-Shing, Australia, Mongolia, China, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Pakistan, and Tibet.

It is a sticky paste that is brown to blackish and which is found up to an altitude of 1000-5000 m embedded in the rock.

Part used: Resin

Taste: Bitter(whole)

Potency: Cold


On chemical compound analysis of Shilajit, it includes

60-80% of organic matter, 20-40% of mineral, and 5% trace elements

Benzoic acid, hippuric acid, fatty acids, resin, and waxy materials, gums, albumin acids, and vegetable matter with benzoic acid

Ichthyol, ellagic acid, resin, triterpenes, sterol, aromatic carboxylic acid, 3,4-benzocoumarins, amino acids, and phenolic lipids

Silica, iron, antimony, calcium, copper, lithium, manganese, molybdenum, phosphorus, sodium, and zinc













Ovogenic, Spermatogenic, Aphrodisiac

Cardioprotective, And Energetic Properties.


It is commonly used by teens to get rid of acne due to its anti-microbial and blood purifier effect

It helps to remove the excess fat from the body and regulate obesity

It protects the heart from damage and it also maintains blood pressure

It does not have an antiseptic, antiparasitic, and anodyne effect

It treats paralysis by strengthening the nervous system

Due to its anti-inflammatory effect, it helps to reduce the edema that is induced chemically

It also lowers cholesterol level

In Russia, it is used to treat genitourinary disease, diabetes, angina, jaundice, digestive disorders, nervous disease, chronic bronchitis, asthma, anemia, amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia, eczema, anorexia, bone fracture, and osteoporosis

In Indian traditional medicine, it acts as a tonic, laxative, expectorant, diuretic, anti-bilious, and anti-hypertensive, antiseptic, analgesic, and germicide

The shilajit has been given along with milk to treat diabetes

To treat fractures it is given along with frankincense

By adding shilajit with water or honey or milk it is used to treat a cough caused by an allergy

To treat fracture shilajit is boiled in ghee


The dose of the drug used according to the physician

Powder: 3-6g


Kindly avoid taking iron supplements along with shilajit because this herb itself contains iron so the combination of this drug may lead to the excess iron content in the body

In rare conditions, the use of shilajit may reduce the blood pressure

The use of this herb may lower blood sugar. So, monitoring of blood sugar levels is required in patients who are taking the anti-diabetic drug

Before initiating the treatment with shilajit consult with the doctor if you are suffering from an immunological disorder like multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and rheumatoid arthritis because the use of this herb may increase the effect of the immune system

The use of this herb may interfere with uric acid levels. So, monitoring of uric acid levels is required in patients who are taking the uric acid-lowering drugs. 


It is considered unsafe to use this herb while you are pregnant and breastfeeding

It is contraindicated to use shilajit if you have developed any allergic symptoms like nausea, dizziness, irregular heart rate, itching 

It is contraindicated to use this herb if you have the febrile disease, doing diet and physical exercise



Traditional view: According to Ayurveda, fatigue is called Klama which occurs due to the imbalance of Kapha doshas. The use of shilajit helps to reduce fatigue by balancing Kapha and also by its Balya and Rasayana (rejuvenating) effect.

Take the required amount of shilajit capsule along with lukewarm milk after your meals.

Modern view: Due to the presence of fulvic and humic acid in shilajit helps the mitochondria in the cells to produce energy and is also used as a revitalizing and increase physical performance and reduce fatigue

Alzheimer’s diseases:

Traditional view: According to Ayurveda, the nervous system is controlled by Vata doshas. If there is an imbalance in Vata may lead to nervous disorders. The use of shilajit helps to reduce the symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease by balancing Vata and by its rejuvenating effect

Take the required amount of shilajit powder and mix it with honey or lukewarm milk. Consume this after your meals

Modern view: In Alzheimer's patients there is an increase in the protein called amyloid-beta which leads to the formation of amyloid plaques in the brain. The presence of fulvic acid in shilajit helps to decrease the amyloid plaque formation in the brain.


According to the Ayurveda, asthma occurs due to the imbalance of Vata and Kapha doshas in the lungs which results in obstruction in the passages in the respiratory. The use of shilajit treats asthma by balancing the imbalance of Vata and Kapha doshas this helps to reduce the blockage in the respiratory passage by removing the excess mucus in the lungs.

Take the required amount of shilajit powder and mix it with honey or lukewarm milk. Consume this after your meals


Traditional view: According to Ayurveda, Cancer is an inflammatory or non-inflammatory swelling which is either called minor (Granthi) or major (Arbuda) neoplasms

Cancer occurs if all the tridosha gets out of control (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) which leads to tissue damage. The use of shilajit helps to prevent tissue damage by its Balya and Rasayana properties

Modern view: During chemotherapy, it damages the normal cell which is around the tumor cells. Due to the presence of Fulvic and Humic acid helps to eradicate the free radicals by its antioxidant effect


The use of shilajit can increase the iron absorption and it also improves the blood oxygen-carrying capacity

Take the required amount of shilajit capsule with lukewarm milk. Consume this after your meals

Increase fertility:

The use of Shilajit gold contain dibenzo-alpha-pyrene which helps to increase the sperm count and also increase the motility of sperm and testosterone in male


The five different types of Shilajit, confirming Shilajit as an essential, intrinsic part of the realm and materiamedica of the Heavenly Abode of the Medicine Buddha.

The exact translations and description of each of the five types of Shilajit after translation from the Blue Beryl are:

Gold shilajit (Tibetan: gserzhun) described as being a reddish-yellow color with, sweet-bitter taste. Cooling and oily potency, it cures conditions of air and bile.

Silver shilajit (Tibetan: dngulzhun) of white color, bitter-sweet taste. Cooling and dry potency cure serum disorders such as leprosy.

Copper shilajit (Tibetan: zangszhun) of reddish-green color like a peacock’s neck. Bitter and salty taste, and with a potency which is cool and light, it cures disorders of phlegm and bile.

Iron shilajit (Tibetan: lcagszhun) of black color. Bitter and slightly salty taste, and with hot and sharp potency, it cures disorders of phlegm.

Dark Lead shilajit (Tibetan: tshonmosteng) has the same taste and potency as iron bitumen but is less effective.

Other than these 2 types have been mentioned in Siddha materiamedica:

1. Karpoora silasathu (smells like camphor)

2. Gomutrasilasathu (smells like urine)


The main significant and marvelous feature of shilajit is that it does not expire even after 40 years.

Also works externally in diseases like uterine prolapse, and erectile dysfunction.

Based on the adjuvant the feature and the specification tend to change.

For example:

·         Does anti- vadhaeffects, when ingested with cow’s ghee.

·         Whereas cures uterine related problems when given along with basil leaves decoction (vetrilaikudineer



Add water in a pan and allow to boil it and then add the required amount of teaspoon of tea and wait for 5 minutes. Filter the tea and mix shilajit powder. Now the Shilajit tea is ready to drink

Shilajit powder:

Take the required amount of shilajit powder and mix it with honey or lukewarm milk. Consume this after your meals


Burning sensation in the feet,

Excessive heat throughout the body,

Increase in urination





How much time does Shilajit take to show improvement?

1 month and the same day has been reported as the most common time which Shilajit takes to show improvement in the condition of the patient. This may CHANGE ACCORDING TO EVERY INDIVIDUAL AND THEIR BODILY CHANGES.

Can I consume Shilajit empty stomach, or should it be consumed before or after a meal?

Commonly, It is consumed after food. It can be consumed on an empty stomach or before food if there is any doctor's advice for specific diseases.

 When I feel allergic, can I stop shilajit immediately?

 Some of the medicines have a rebound effect when stopped immediately. It depends on every individual so kindly get doctors’ advice before stopping.

Is Shilajit good for diabetes?

Yes, it has been observed that Shilajit significantly lowers blood glucose levels.

Can shilajit be used for reproductive health care?

Yes, shilajit has been found to increase testosterone levels in males and also increase libido.

For what diseases shilajit is usually prescribed?

Shilajit is traditional Indian medicine and may be taken to fight the symptoms of various conditions such as -

  • Low level of testosterone in the body
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Anemia caused by the deficiency of iron
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Infertility
  • Heart-related problems
  • High altitude sickness,
  • which leads to symptoms such as insomnia, lethargy, dementia, and hypoxia